Friday, July 11, 2008

Take Cover UH-OO

Battlefield Bad Company has been out for about two weeks.The big question was whether it could challenge COD4s online domination.The Answer is hell yea..
I'll start first with the single player mode.It's six missions, all very big mind you and quite fun.
On normal the game is very doable in six to eight hours. On hard however, the game does get a bit sticky, the enemy AI is frustratingly accurate while showing no real ability to flank or out maneuver you, but considering the distances the shoot outs can take place in, it does even it up a bit.Enemy tanks do not miss no matter how fast you drive, your only hope is to brake suddenly and hope for the best. The single player is a solid game the humour given by the four squad members keeps it entertaining, having tank battles over a golf course or flying a gold plated hind helicopter around is quite fun.

Now time for the real gem of Bad Company the multi player.There are eight maps ranging from infantry only to light vehicles and lots of vehicles.The games are played through EA servers which can hold 24 people per game and seem to be able to cope quite well bar the odd hiccup. There are five class's to choose from, all with there own sets of weapons and abilities, which are unlocked as you rank up.For example the support role allows you to call in mortar strikes on areas, heal teammates and repair vehicles, demolition allows you to lay mines and use a rocket launcher. The maps are excellently designed allowing for plenty of sneak tactics. A squad that works together can be devastating and can have bombs planted before an enemy has time to get into position. The Gold rush mode never gets boring and keeps the battle moving but still focused on a front line. Seeing support classes bravely run across a battlefield with a medipack in there hand only to be foiled by a stray shell at the last second(My personal experience) never grows old.

The use of DICEs frostbite engine is excellent.The game looks superb and sounds even better the ping and woosh of bullets is the best I've heard in any game. The destruction allowed is brilliant, buildings can be decimated by shells, rockets, etc until nothing but the bare structure is left same applies for walls and trees.Makes camping a lot harder.It has a party system that seems to work fine and it generally is lag free.It is a must buy for anyone who plays games online.It gives COD4 a run for its money in my books.