Friday, February 27, 2009

The Best and the Worst of YouTube.

Hello 4 or 5 devoted readers!  Just a quick post...
Came across 2 videos this week.  The first was linked to on U.K. Resistance.  It's a streets style song by a guy called Dan Bull on on the games and consoles he grew up with. Well done:

Brilliant stuff. Then on the other hand we have a toe-curlingly embarrassing 'training' video for Gamestop employees. It really is awful stuff. You have been warned:

Credit goes to Joystiq for this one. Yeah, cheers for that.


julitopower said...

Today I´ll show you how to sell to a geek. A geek is a kind of human (is it?) easily recognized by the use and abuse of Star Wars elements.........

What a "Shaitttt",

but a good post though.

julitopower said...

ummmmmmmmmmmm, this blog seems a little bit.................. static.............. outdated............... jejejejej

julitopower said...

Jesus Christ!! I think is about time to write a new post......... maybe about games for babies :)